Students, grassroots leaders, and healthcare professionals united for change.

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Who we are

The SOAR Initiative was founded in 2019 by a small group of students at The Ohio State University passionate about changing the public health landscape for people who use drugs. Over the past three years, our team has grown to include outreach workers, administrative staff, technology specialists and more. Our inclusive, welcoming team strives to represent the communities we serve by hiring people with lived experience and staff with diverse backgrounds.


In the news

WCPO - Cincinnati | February 21st, 2022

App created by Ohio State students warns of counterfeit drugs, bad batches to combat overdose epidemic

One smartphone app developed by college students to give drug users a way of reporting counterfeit drugs without getting police involved has support from addiction recovery professionals in Cincinnati.

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Filter | May 24th, 2022

Ohio Bills Seek to Decriminalize Fentanyl Test Strips

Besides preventing arrests and therefore encouraging use of fentanyl test strips, the bills would also effectively allow federal funds to be spent on their distribution in Ohio.

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WOSU - Columbus | April 18th, 2022

OSU students create app to report ‘bad batches’, cut down on overdose deaths

In the fall of 2020, a group led by Ohio State students launched an app designed to cut down on overdose deaths in central Ohio. The app alerts users to "bad batches" of drugs, laced with deadly substances such as fentanyl.

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What We Stand For

Mission: Build up powerful, healthy communities of people who use drugs by implementing innovative harm reduction strategies that advance connection through technology and advocating for policies that promote a safe supply.

Vision: End the harmful, racist, and discriminatory War on Drugs and build a world where all people who use drugs can achieve health, safety, happiness, and bodily autonomy.